Greetings to UTM Citizens.
Based on the briefing given by YBrs. Prof. Dr. Shamsul bin Sahibuddin, TNCHEP, there are some decisions made by the university:-
1. Face to face Teaching and Learning (TnL) is CANCELED for Semester II, Session 2020/2021.
2. Physical Final Examination is CANCELED for Semester II, session 2020/2021.
3. Student returning to campus is POSTPONED untill the end of Semester II, Session 2020/2021 or untill further notice.
4. UTMSMART System is temporarily CLOSED – all applications and approvals permissions are VOID.
5. All undergoing Industrial Training (LI) and Teaching Practicum (LM) who wish to return their rentes house MUST obtain permission form PDRM.
Student Representative Council
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Session 2020/2021